A Complete Guide For The Macro Hedge Fund Neophyte
Hedge funds are financial tools that help you gain huge returns on your investment and also assist you in diversifying your portfolio quite efficiently. They are one of the most sought-after investment options present in the market. There are many different types of hedge funds available today.
As a beginner investor, which type do you invest in? Macro Hedge Funds are a good option among the many as they help you get comparatively higher returns than the traditional types of Hedge Funds.
Interested to know more? Read on!
What exactly are macro hedge funds?
Macro Hedge Funds are investment vehicles that pool money from multiple investors and invest the same in equity, currency, fixed income, commodity, and futures. Such hedge funds derive their investment conclusions by studying the macroeconomic events that cause long-term market movements. Politics, climate, MOUs between countries, etc. are typically the type of events macro hedge funds take into consideration when making an investment decision.
Understanding macro hedge funds with an example
The biggest global event that took place in the past year has been Brexit, i.e., the exit of the UK from the European Union. Such an event would obviously cause fluctuations in the global markets across the world and thus all the macro hedge funds were focused on this event. While some took the position of selling the UK pound after the Brexit in hopes it would fall, the others took the position of buying it in the hope of a rise in value. While this entire ordeal would also affect the commodities market, the macro hedge funds bought and sold the different commodities depending on their market view. This was done to gain profits to the maximum when their market view turned out to be true.
However, the UK pound fell after the Brexit results were announced and thus the Macro Hedge Funds that had taken long market positions took heavy losses.
Summing it up, a macro hedge fund will consider the direction in which a country’s economy is headed and then take a position based on their deduced market views. They would also invest in the commodities markets and equities in order to maximize their returns on investment.
What are the benefits of investing in macro hedge funds?
There are plenty of benefits of investing in a macro hedge fund, such as -
1) They provide amazing returns on investment
Macro hedge funds take heavy positions in the market that enable them to earn huge returns if their market view turns out to be true. However, since they deal with such a huge amount of money, they also have a strategy in place to mitigate the risks that they would encounter if their investment decision turned out to be false.
2) They enable you to take market positions that are usually not possible by individual investors
A macro hedge fund, as its name suggests, hedges its market positions in such a way that its exposure to risks is kept to a bare minimum. Such positions are very difficult to maintain by an individual investor as the capital required to achieve the same is quite huge.
We hope this article helps a beginner investor like you understand what exactly are Macro Hedge Funds.